Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The influenza Pandemic in 1918

We have been learning about influenza since 1918. We had to do the do must do's, Can do's, and read articles. In each article, we had to do a can do.  And then we did a can do. Here is my workbook I hope you like it!  Bye

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The parts of the Marae

We have been learning about parts about The Marae. I drew Arrows to the parts of  The Marae. We had to double the screen, So we know where it is supposed to be. The hard part is the Paepae part and the easy part was the Teckotecko part. I  hope you enjoy it. :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Lego challange Cube

 Today I did the lego challenge and it was a shape 3D or 2D. I did a cube with my little brother's lego. It was so HARD!  I went to the site and it said to build a shape. I did not know what to build, but then I thought hard. So I tried my best to think of a shape. I work so hard to make it. But it was not easy. There was not an easy part on the lego challenge because it is so hard. I hope you like it. Bye:)